At Kane, Inc. we do not see training of employees as a single step, but as an ongoing process. Starting with a skills assessment upon hire, we work with each employee to keep their skills up to date, and continue to grow and develop new ones in the field of industrial painting and coatings. As new products, equipment, and techniques become available in the field, our employees are given the opportunity for advanced training in many different avenues of the industrial painting and coatings field. From in-house training administered by our Health and Safety Director, to hired specialists and private industrial training, every aspect of safety is also covered.
Kane, Inc. is registered with SSPC, The Society for Protective Coatings, to deliver the SSPC Train the Painter program to our employees in-house. This program enables Kane, Inc. to train new employees, and update/renew the skills of existing employees, in a systemized way with the ability to track skills and knowledge.